My 5 Favorite R.C. Sproul Quotes

With the unfortunate passing of R.C. Sproul (I say unfortunate for our sake, he is in glory with the Lord) it is always a good idea to reflect on the impact these monumental spiritual leaders have had on our lives.  Sproul gifted the world with his talents as a theologian, writer, pastor, speaker, and on and on almost ad infinitum.  While he is in Heaven enjoying the fruits of his life of labor for the Lord, we should meditate on some of his best quotes he left here for us on earth. Here are five of my favorite quotes and why they mean so much to me.

“Nothing can be more irrational than the idea that something comes from nothing.”

Sproul believed rightly that something cannot come from nothing. The only thing that comes from nothing, is nothing. This has to be one of my favorite quotes by him because it helps form a foundation of a belief in an infinite, all-powerful, creator God. Throughout Scriptures, God treats mankind as if he owns them..this is because He owns them.  God’s ownership of mankind took place before the foundation of time because of this simple fact; something cannot come from nothing. We were all created out of nothing because our Creator is an infinite “something.”

“Sin is cosmic treason, a futile attempt to dethrone God.”

In a world that seems sometimes to have lost its mind about morality, Sproul rightly identifies the true cause of all sin. Sin is the cosmic treason of God, and an attempt to dethrone him from his universal, all powerful, all mighty, all deserving seat as ruler of the universe.  With our human hearts being in their default mode of constant moral rationalization, truly identifying Sin is the first step to a humans healthy position towards God. Sproul taught us that there is no such thing as a “minor rebellion.”

“To say that God’s sovereignty is limited by man’s freedom is to make man sovereign.”

One of the hardest questions to meditate on as a Christian is “who is in control?” Especially for new Christians, it becomes a sudden shock when they experience pain-and-suffering after their conversion. “Why should I suffer now? I just became a Christian!” they might think.  It’s easy for us to believe that we now get a greater say in our lives because we are Christian. In fact, the opposite has occurred, a Christian fully devoted to God will see more of his own independence being turned over to God. In exchange for man’s fake “control”, God gives his kind sovereign and fatherly love to us.

“When I read the Bible, the Bible criticizes me, I don’t criticize the Bible.”

Challenges to scriptural authority aren’t new, they have been around since the beginning of Scripture. Even in the first couple chapters of the Bible we see Satan tempting Adam and Eve with “did God really say that?”  Sproul enters into the correct Biblical perspective when he reads God’s word. We should dive into his word with the desire to be criticized by God for the sake of our own holiness, not the other way around. When we accuse God, through his word or not through his word, we forget our right perspective in the universe. Just as a telescope has two drastically different result depending on the side the user peers through, so does God’s word have an effect on its reader through their perspective.  It has two different results from two different ends, so God’s Word has on us by the way we approach it.

“The secret to happiness is found in obedience to God.”

I don’t think there has ever been a thought more pondered by mankind than the question “how can I be happy?” Through thousands of years of thought, obscure exercises and lifestyles, strange activities and practices, mankind has tried to solve this question. My last, and favorite, quote from RC is simply about happiness. The best-kept secret about reformed Christianity has to be the joy that comes into your heart when one accepts the truth about man and Christ. There are earthly joys in marriage, friendship, patriotism, justice, even in everyday wisdom, but nothing surpasses the joy of a saved and clean conscience before the Lord. Happiness, for those that truly seek it, is in obedience of the Lord.

Rest in peace Dr. Sproul , enjoy your eternal Heavenly rest and the respective of so many that you have ministered to so well.